Practical Application of Cryptographic Checksums
Checksum Formation with Free Software under MS-Windows, Unix/BSD,
GNU/Linux and MacOS X, with a Step-by-Step Introduction
to Signing and Encrypting E-mails and Files with OpenPGP
(One-page short version, PDF file US Letter, PDF file A4

Peter Jockisch, Freiburg i. Br.

Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction

Computer files can be manipulated in many ways un­no­ticed. Cryptographic checksums, hash values, serve to protect your data: By forming an electronic fingerprint of a file, an always constant numerical value is created. If this value deviates at a later point in time, there is dam­age or manipulation. With a single mouse click, the in­teg­rity of a file can be checked at any time.

Cryptographic checksums form the basis for cryp­to­graph­ic signing and encryption, for website- and e-mail cer­tifi­cates, for the qualified electronic signature, and for the technical understanding of revision-proof e-mail archiving, to which all merchants are legally obliged.

This introduction presents two free graphical programs for checksum generation, CyoHash and Jacksum, for file man­ag­er operation.

Console-based programs are also described, they are avail­able across operating system platforms and are pre-installed on MS-Windows 10 as well as most Unix/BSD and GNU/Linux systems (see 2.3 for instructions). This means that no programs need to be in­stalled at all, the ex­ist­ing operating system resources are sufficient to cal­cu­late checksums.

1.2 Functional Principle
1.2.1 Electronic Fingerprints

Humans are complex creatures. In order to identify them quickly and easily, fingerprints are often created. Com­put­er files can be identified according to the same prin­ci­ple: by generating an “electronic fingerprint”, the so-called cryptographic checksum, an always constant num­ber.

By means of standardized procedures, a fast integrity and authenticity check of files of any kind can be carried out.

Human fingerprints are created with stamp pads, elec­tron­ic fingerprints with a checksum program.

Click on image to enlarge.

Fig.1: Proof of authenticity for human and computer files

1.2.2 Quality Criteria

We're looking at cryptographic checksums. They are based on hash functions, which provide hash values as a result for any file. This value is also called hash code.

A file, as well as identical copies of it, always has the same hash checksum. However, if only a single bit or char­ac­ter changes due to damage or manipulation, a com­plete­ly different hash code should be created.

A hash-function-checksum-procedure should therefore al­ways return different values for different computer files. Depending on the method used, the calculated check­sum always has the same length. Therefore, of course, only a limited number of numbers can be dis­played: There are practically an infinite number of com­put­er files, so that it is impossible to assign a different value to each of these files with a number of fixed length.

From a security point of view, there are various attack scenarios, including forgery of documents. An attacker

would like to create a fake version of a given original file, for example a business order, with a manipulated, in­creased order quantity that has the same hash value check­sum. After making the changes to the document, he then tries to obtain a file version with a cryptographic check­sum identical to that of the original file by trial and error, perhaps by inserting invisible control characters. Such an attack, of course, uses supporting computer pro­grams.

If an attacker actually succeeds in creating a second file (at a reasonable cost in terms of time) containing the de­sired manipulations and which has the same cryp­to­graph­ic checksum of the original file, the hash function pro­cedure in question is “broken”. Once such a weakness becomes known, it should no longer be used. Due to con­tinu­ous research work, weaknesses are detected a long time in advance.

Click on image to enlarge.

Fig.2: Checksum collision

If there were a computer with infinite computational pow­er, theoretically any method could be broken by sim­ply trying out all the possibilities (brute force attack). In practice, such an approach is not considered practicable in the majority of cases, since the necessary cal­cu­la­tions are almost never feasible in a reasonable time.

Most hash functions have had a limited lifetime and have been replaced by successor functions for security

reasons. Computer generations with higher computing pow­er contribute to shortening the service life. In addition to computational force-based attacks, however, there are also attacks with a different orientation, and it can never be ruled out that mathematical creativity can be used to launch practicable attacks today.

In the background a huge army of mathematicians works and researches, especially for intelligence services. Not all scientific findings are published.

1.2.3 Prevailing Standards in the West and Russia

Until 2016, the Western IT infrastructure was pre­domi­nant­ly based on the SHA-1 al­go­rithm (Secure Hash Al­go­rithm 1). Since 2017, this algorithm has been re­gard­ed as finally broken, and the computing time required to corrupt it has fallen dras­ti­cal­ly. Experts now recommend the SHA-2 variants SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512.

The recommended successor algorithm to SHA-2, SHA-3[1], has been officially established since 2012.

In Russia and many other CIS states, GOST R 34.11-94 resp. GOST 34.311-95 were the previous hash standards in authorities and various economic sectors. [2] As with SHA-1, structural weaknesses were also found in this stand­ard.

1.3 Do Technologies exist that are blocked to the Public?
1.3.1 Obsolete Computer Systems

All computational power-related statements in this intro­duc­tion refer to publicly available computer systems and research work released to the general public. The use of the latest, most advanced computer technology is prob­ably currently still reserved for intelligence services in or­der to guarantee them a computing power advantage for an effective leveraging of established encryption tech­nol­ogy.

The widely approved encryption procedures may not be readily breakable for lower levels of government. How­ever, at the top of the hierarchy, at the intelligence level, there should be unrestricted access to the latest com­put­er technology. In addition, all data transferred via the Inter­net will probably be archived for automatic evalu­ation. Under this aspect, the resilience of files sent over the Internet that have been encrypted using publicly stand­ard­ized technology is put into perspective.

For a long time there have been considerations that cer­tain cryptographic algorithms raised to official standards

might have inherent mathematical weaknesses which are only known to the experts of the intelligence services. A pos­sibly existing influence of the secret services on the design of security products (software and possibly hard­ware backdoor problems, open questions about stand­ards, etc.) is the subject of numerous articles on computer security, for example in “Did NSA Put a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard?”. Several renowned com­pa­nies have already directly or indirectly confirmed that they cooperate with intelligence services in their product de­vel­op­ment. One of the official reasons for this was the in­ten­tion to optimize the technical safety of company products. It remains to be seen how much pressure was exerted on “co­opera­tion”.

Corrupted electronics, known or unknown “advanced” hard­ware architectures with factory-built “remote main­te­nance” functions, possibly even with a wireless system built into the processor, represent the other side of the prob­lem.

1.4 Application examples: Business world, Internet, Archiving

The comprehensive requirements for the legally rec­og­nized personal authentication, which is almost always linked to the use of proprietary software and hardware, will not be discussed here. Section 1.5 contains further sources of information on the so-called qualified sig­na­ture.

The creation of cryptographic checksums not only pro­vides clues to the authenticity and integrity of files. It al­so enables acknowledgements of receipt and written con­fir­ma­tion of the last processing status of a file, as demonstrated by the following examples.

1.4.1 Preservation of File Integrity

You create a business balance sheet and then go on holi­day. For quality control purposes, make a note of the cryptographic checksum of the completed balance sheet file before departure. After the vacation, you create the checksum again and verify whether the file is intact or whether it has been damaged or manipulated.

Unauthorized access, e.g. to an accounting file, can be detected in this way. In such cases, notify the system ad­min­is­tra­tors and insist on a recovery of the original file version, which will of course only be successful if the file has the noted checksum again.

The file date specification and version control systems are no substitute for cryptographic checksums, since both can be manipulated directly or indirectly. Spe­cia­lized programs can change both the creation and modi­fi­ca­tion dates of files, even directory-wide.

Consistency checks using checksums usually work faster, more effectively and more securely. A separate check­sum program should therefore always be avail­able.

1.4.2 Indicator for the Pro­cess­ing Status of a File

When leaving a company you would like to have the last processing status of a computer file confirmed in writing, example text: “Confirmation – This confirms that the file [file name] maintained by [first name, last name] has the SHA-512 checksum [concrete checksum] in its last pro­cess­ing status on [date]”.

Two or three different cryptographic check­sum methods are recommended for this purpose. This may be more secure in the long run, one of the methods may last longer in the future. In this way, the company secret is protected and you can still secure yourself to a certain extent. Should there ever be any queries, you will have a written indication of your latest processing status.

1.4.3 Armament against White-Collar Crime, Protection against Mobbing

In the context of general quality control and whenever corruption, lies, intrigues, bullying, sabotage and white-collar crime are likely, the use of cryptographic check­sums, even before presentation dates (file checks), is re­com­mend­ed for your own protection. Signing software is often ruled out because it is naturally coupled with en­cryp­tion functions and is therefore not tolerated on every

workstation computer. Company secrets could get out en­cryp­ted or malware could get in undetected. However, a free checksum program – not to be confused with free­ware [3] – can be installed responsibly on company com­pu­ters if the system administrator deems this appropriate.

1.4.4 File Reference in Contracts and Confirmations of Receipt Contracts and Acknowledgements of Receipt

For written contracts and acknowledgements of receipt, elec­tron­ic fingerprints facilitate the reference to computer files. Files of any kind can be uniquely identified by their hash value, e.g. text documents, video films, recordings of con­ver­sa­tions and interviews (sound files in general), pro­grams, CAD files. Services that have been rendered, which are finally available in the form of a data carrier, e.g. a CD-ROM or DVD to be delivered, can also be confirmed in writing in this way.

Electronic fingerprints can also be created from archive files[4]. Acknowledgements of receipt form a broad field of application. Image Licensing

In image-forming occupational fields, photos go through many post-processing phases until they are published, and it is usually impractical to specify specific final files in advance. However, reference files can be binding for the publication or long-term exploitation of basic artistic/image design specifications: Selection of the image detail, basic contrast characteristics, implicit prohibition of (further) “cos­met­ic retouching”, etc. Image descriptions and minia­ture images of the originals are then included in the ex­ploi­ta­tion contract together with the corresponding file check­sums. If possible, only use file formats that either work com­plete­ly without com­pres­sion or with lossless com­pres­sion, formats that can also store color profile in­for­ma­tion. Of course, reference to reference color spaces requires proper color management and comprehensive prepa­ra­tion of the equipment pool.

Sometimes bindingly finished image files are possible. Provided there are enough resolution reserves for resizing (scaling), photos for a website can be exactly defined in all parameters. If a suitable standard is chosen (e.g. TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF), there is a high probability that the im­ages will still be displayed by future webpage reading pro­grams in the long term.

1.4.5 Indicator of the Authenticity of Documents, transmitted by Telephone

The recipient of a file or a data carrier sent by letter post can be informed by telephone of the hash function check­sum for checking purposes. Although falsifying a voice has become much easier since the introduction of the “Adobe Voco”[5] software, it is still a time-consuming pro­cess. However, personal signing would be more con­veni­ent and secure.

1.4.6 Publication of Hash Values as alternative Proof of Authenticity

Some states only allow limited encryption and signing (per­so­nal electronic proof of authenticity). To a certain ex­tent, cryptographic checksums can be used as an al­ter­na­tive stopgap:

1. First create the message or document separately as a computer file (text or PDF file, image, video, etc.). At­tach the file to an e-mail and send the message.

2. Publish the hash codes of the sent documents on a web­page similar to a diary. Several reputable free (ad­ver­tis­ing-​financed) webhosters are available for this pur­pose (basic article on web hosting). Even without (X)​HTML knowledge you can create websites, e.g. with free HTML editors.

Alternatively, free blog systems that do not require any technical design knowledge are recommended. A pos­sible free service is, another Word​press.​com. Both are easy and uncomplicated to

use and can be used immediately, comment functions can be deactivated. When making your selection, make sure that the password you choose is SSL/TLS-secured during the login process; your user password should always be trans­ported over the Internet via https.

Finally, create schematic entries, for example in the form checksum procedure - file checksum. There is no need for more information. For large daily entries, you could op­ti­o­nally add a file name abbreviation. The e-mail attachment “request.pdf” would then become “r...t.pdf” or simply “r...t”.

3. The recipient of the file can now perform a hash value com­pari­son by calling up your webpage or blog and read­ing the corresponding hash code for the symbolic mes­sage.

1.4.7 Publish Documents with Hash Values

For the publication of documents on the Internet or in the Intranet (company network), it is advisable to specify hash values, possibly on a subpage, in the so-called down­load area. The use of a legally recognized SSL/​TLS certificate[6] for the encrypted transmission of the websites with the published checksums increases secu-

rity. By comparing the hash values, users can be relatively sure that documents downloaded from reputable sources are free of malicious code (viruses, etc.), manipulation and trans­fer dam­age. Certificates issued by external in­stances, however, are possibly associated with residual risks.

1.4.8 Archiving Files

When archiving files on CD-ROMs and DVDs, it is rec­om­mend­ed that you write down the disk hash code. To check this, periodically compare the actual value with the originally noted hash value. This allows early dam­age to be detected. Unfortunately, regular copying

to new archiving specialist data carriers at relatively short intervals is still unavoidable at the moment.

1.4.9 Increased Security for Password Storage

There are numerous other possible applications in in­for­ma­tion technology and electrical engineering, such as a variant for the safety-enhanced storage of user account data: A plain text password can also be stored ex­clu­sive­ly in the form of its associated hash value. If the user enters his plaintext password again, the hash value is generated again and compared with the stored one. In the event of a data intrusion or data theft, no plaintext pass­words are lost for the time being.

Good contemporary hash functions work like one-way func­tions. They assign an individual hash value to a file. The reverse way, however, the calculation of the original file from the hash value, is not possible in a practicable time ‐ according to the current publicly known state of knowl­edge, in which the publicly available procedures and technologies are used as a standard.

1.4.10 Legally recognized, audit-proof E-mail Archiving

In some industries, e-mails that lead to business trans­a­ctions/​orders are legally regarded as commercial letters. For their archiving, a simple saving or printing is no longer sufficient; instead, revision-proof archiving must be carried out in a technical manner that excludes sub­se­quent, undetectable manipulation of the e-mail data.

The technical implementation of most programs prob­ably takes place with the help of cryptographic check­sums. Electronic fingerprints of all incoming and out­go­ing e-mails are created and stored in encrypted form. If, for example, an auditor wishes to view a particular

e-mail, the stored e-mail file is loaded into the cor­re­spond­ing e-mail archiving program, e.g. from a CD ROM. When reading in, the cryptographic checksum of the e-mail file is formed again and compared with the origi­nal­ly archived associated checksum for cor­re­spond­ence.

Only very specific software and/or hardware solutions from certain manufacturers are legally recognized within the framework of the legal requirements. There are nu­mer­ous high-quality introductory articles on this subject avail­able in the Internet, written by specialized lawyers and IT experts.

1.5 Cryptographic Signature, Website and E-mail Certificates
1.5.1 Cryptographic Signature and E-mail Certificates

In the past, people or offices provided their documents with an additional proof of authenticity by applying com­plex patterns to the documents with sealing lacquer or wax and sealing stamps. Today, cryptographic keys or cer­tifi­cates assume the function of the seal stamp: For a document, e.g. an e-mail file, an accompanying, per­so­nal proof of authenticity, the so-called cryp­to­graph­ic signature, is calculated with the help of a certificate. Upon receipt of the message, the recipient's e-mail pro­gram automatically determines (using this signature, among other things) whether the document was actually created by the specified sender (certificate holder/card hold­er).

E-mail and website certificates therefore have an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion func­tion with which correspondence part­ners and webpages can prove their identity.

Classical identity cards are issued by state authorities. E-mail and website certificates are issued by cer­ti­fi­ca­tion authorities (CAs). And this is where the two decisive dif­fer­ences lie: classic ID cards are all equal and officially rec­og­nized, there is only one single issuer who also func­tions as a certification institution: the state.

E-mail and website certificates, on the other hand, exist in different quality classes, with dif­fer­ent meaningfulness. Only certificates of the highest quality issued by officially rec­og­nized certification bodies are legally recognised, e.g. e-mail certificates for which an identity card or passport check is carried out to ensure that the personal details in the certificate match those in the identity card, or EV web­site certificates.

The encryption standard OpenPGP works both with and with­out certification authorities, which means that you can al­so use self-created key certificates for signing and en­cryp­tion: Instructions: Signing and encrypting Files and E-mails with OpenPGP

The encryption standard Open​PGP en­ables signed e-mail communication both with and without certification authorities (CAs). For signed (and encrypted) communication, you create a (se­cret) key (cer­tifi­cate), the corresponding public cer­tifi­cate part of which you can send to your communication part­ners and publish on the Internet.

When signing documents or e-mails, you then enter your passphrase, whereupon a (companion) signature is cre­ated for your e-mail or file; the passphrase can op­ti­o­nal­ly be stored temporarily. The e-mail client of the per­son you are corresponding with then verifies fully auto­mati­cal­ly in the background (with the help of your public cer­tifi­cate part) whether the attached signature was cre­ated with your private key (cer­tifi­cate).

If you want to send an encrypted document, you need the public OpenPGP certificate part of the file or e-mail re­cipi­ent, also in order to check his/her attached e-mail sig­na­tures for authenticity.

Software Installation: An encryption software and the com­mand line would be suf­fi­cient in itself, but most users prefer graphical in­ter­faces. So you need two or three programs:

1. A free and open source encryption software: Gnu Pri­va­cy Guard, GnuPG (WP article). GnuPG is free and cross-platform software and available 100 % free-​of-charge, for Unix/BSD, GNU/​Linux, MS-Win­dows and MacOS. The MS-Win­dows version is called Gpg4​win (no donation required for down­load), the GPG4win suite already contains the Kleopatra graphical inter­face and the GpgEX pro­gram extension for Micro­soft (file manager) Win­dows File Explorer, for file en­cryp­tion and signing with a right mouse click.

2. One of the dozens of free graphical interfaces, for ex­am­ple the already mentioned Kleopatra for MS-Win­dows and Unix/BSD or GNU/Linux, to create keys (certificates) via graphical menu and optionally sign and encrypt files.

3. For the fully automatic operation with e-mail pro­ grams, you use one of the numerous free and charge-​free interfaces, for example Enigmail for Mozilla-Thunderbird, or for MS-Outlook the GpgOL al­ready included in the GPG4win suite.

Now generate your secret key, you can generate as many test keys as you like:

Image source:,

1. Open Kleopatra and create your key (note down a passphrase beforehand): “File” → “New Certificate” → “Create a per­so­nal OpenPGP key pair”. Then make a backup copy on USB stick and/​or CD-ROM/DVD. To do this, use Kleopatra's export func­tion (select key first): “File” → “Export Secret Keys”. To export the secret key, you will be asked to en­ter your secret passphrase. You can open or drag the key in a file viewer or in a text editor. At the be­gin­ning or end of the file are respectively “-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----” resp. “-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----” (delete any cached or copied secret key copy thoroughly!)

2. You ex­port your public key part via “File” → “Ex­port Cer­tifi­cates(Menu Reference). Check im­medi­ate­ly that it is the public key part, save it on the desk­top, for ex­am­ple, and then drag the file to a text editor or brows­er, for example Mozilla Firefox. At the end or at the beginning is “-----BEGIN PGP PUB­LIC KEY BLOCK-----” respectively “-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----”.

3. Use in the e-mail software: After installing the re­le­vant e-mail reader interface, open your e-mail client. Under Thun­der­bird with the extension (AddOn) “Enig­mail” go to “Local Folders”, select your e-mail account and then go to “OpenPGP Security”. There, place a check mark in “Enable OpenPGP support (Enigmail) for this iden­ti­ty” and select your previously created key under “Se­lect key”.

From now on you can sign your e-mails by de­fault. In order to verify the signatures of in­com­ing e-mails (or in order to encrypt for third par­ties), you must have load­ed the pub­lic key part of your respective cor­re­spond­ence partner into your program once, under Kleopatra via “File” → “Im­port”, or under “Enigmail” → “Key Management” → “Import keys [...]”, or via one of Enigmail's fully automatic functions which appear automatically.

Each key has a fingerprint, which can also be transmitted ver­bal­ly on the telephone, for example. In order to de­ter­mine it, select the key under Kleopatra, open the menu with a right click and select “Details”. Keys can also be authen­ti­cated by third parties. Read: The Kleopatra Hand­book.

Get familiar with the features of Enigmail, first of all write a signed test email addressed to yourself. Read further in­struc­tions and the Enig­mail User Manual.

Sign, encrypt and decrypt files: You can create signatures for your files, or encrypt them with your own key (or with public keys of third parties). Try it with any document, such as a text file. Under MS-Windows: Go to the document and press the right mouse button, the drop-down menu opens, select the GpgEX options (symbol with open lock) and choose the “Sign” function, whereupon the signature is created after entering your passphrase. Then go to this accompanying signature file and select the corresponding GpgEX option again, which allows you to carry out an auto­mated check. Try out the numerous functions of the GpgEX options menu.

Password encryption: You can also encrypt a file with only a password, so that afterwards all those who know the pass­word can open the file.

Optionally, you can also simply drag files into the open Kleopatra window, whereupon an action menu appears, or you can select a corresponding action in the Kleopatra file menu, whereupon the file manager opens.

If you want to encrypt a file for a specific recipient, you must select his public key. Create a test folder and try out all functions.

1.5.2 Website Certificates Industry in Criticism

Webpages can be called up in encrypted form (https) so that third parties under the law cannot read the contents of the pages called up and any correspondence that may have taken place (password trans­fer, data transfer, etc.). Institutions above the law (intelligence services at the highest level) can presumably read everything, if necessary by means of pure computing power (with computer technology blocked to the public). If one dis­re­gards the pos­sibility of di­rect or indirect backdoors in computer systems and pos­sible inherent mathematical weaknesses in al­go­rithms, everything currently amounts to a prime fac­tor­i­za­tion, which in turn represents a pure computational pow­er problem. Read the WP-article “Post-​quantum cryp­tog­ra­phy” to get an overview of critical factors and as­pects. A translated excerpt of a German article (2016/​2017): “[...] To emphasize once again: Quantum com­put­ers mean the end of all currently established public key procedures for digital signatures and key exchange, among other things. This means that a considerable part of the foundation of current crypto systems is com­plete­ly broken away. Adequate re­placement is not yet in

­sight.[...]”. (Jürgen Schmidt, “Kryp­to­gra­phie in der IT - Emp­feh­lun­gen zu Ver­schlüs­se­lung und Ver­fah­ren”, sub-article “Elliptische Kurven Ver­schlüs­se­lung”, heise Se­cu­rity).

The encrypted transmission of webpages is carried out with the help of (website)certificates.

The international website certificate issuer industry as a whole is now facing severe criticism. On the one hand, be­cause it happens again and again that individual CAs (Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Authorities) award certificates to un­author­ized persons due to inadequate verification procedures at the application stage. On the other hand, due to hacker break-ins by which third parties sometimes succeeded un­no­ticed in issuing formally recognized certificates for vari­ous popular websites or for companies. The criticism can be summed up as follows: the current technical basis of the certificate system is too vulnerable to such errors and at­tacks and cannot be used effectively and quickly enough to take countermeasures. Search terms such as “SSL de­ba­cle” lead to discussion posts and articles in the World Wide Web. Extensive sources of information: www.​cab​fo​; “The EFF SSL Ob­ser­vatory”: www.​eff.​org/​ob​ser​va​tory.

1.5.3 The Qualified Electronic Signature

Cryptographic checksums are part of the technical basis of the personal proof of authenticity of documents, the so-​called qualified (= legally recognized) electronic sig­na­ture as well as of numerous cryptographic procedures

in general, i.e. the encryption of (message) documents. Knowl­edge of the relevant contact points and sources of information is an advantage.

1.5.4 Central Information Sources on Applied Cryptography

Cryptography at the international busi­ness level: Bert-Jaap Koops' “Cryptography Law Survey” provides information on the ba­sic legal situation regarding cryptography in the individual states and administrative struc­tures of the world. Each entry is provided with a

com­pre­hen­sive source collection:

The history of cryptography: Wikipedia provides de­tailed information on the publicly known history of cryp­tog­ra­phy, among other things: “History of cryptography”.

1.6 Further Application Possibilities

Checksums have also been used in electrical en­gi­neer­ing for many decades, among other things to guar­an­tee er­ror-​free data transmission.

1.7 Possibilities of Abuse
1.7.1 Fully automated Identification of consumed Content

Cryptographic checksums can also be used for ques­tion­able purposes. In the past, the media player of a soft­ware manufacturer is said to have sent unsolicited hash codes of the played files.

Theoretically, a fully automatic comparison with data­base tables could determine whether content used was licensed and which political films and sound files a user prefers to watch. Individual computers could be iden­ti­fied by a combination of feat­ures, and checksums could of course also be sent at operating system level. The same would also be possible with proprietary PDF pro­grams.

Alternatively, free PDF viewers and free media players are available, such as the highly recommended VLC me­dia player. However, comprehensive, maximum se­cu­rity always requires a free operating system basis.

In computer forensics as well as in countless other in­for­ma­tion technology areas, the formation or retrieval of cryptographic checksums is omnipresent. A thoroughly constructive application, especially with regard to the pres­er­va­tion of evidence in computer crimes, such as net­work break-ins.

In dictatorships or in occupied, foreign-controlled coun­tries, there is a danger that "hard disk inspections" will be carried out locally or remotely. Through backdoors from software and hardware manufacturers, cryp­to­graph­ic checksums of all existing hard disk files can be rou­tine­ly generated and then automatically compared with checksums of “indexed” and censored content, such as political educational films. In this way, it can be quickly and effectively checked whether citizens tend to cultivate their own opinions and whether they consume

political content that contradicts officially pro­claimed dog­mas. Freethinkers are easy to locate.

If all checksums of new and changed files created by the user are sent automatically on a regular basis, it could al­so be determined afterwards in which network or on which com­pu­ter a document was created for the first time.

The amount of data is tiny and, if additionally encrypted, practically indecipherable. Changing the file name does not change the checksum. Other features, such as hard­ware and software configurations (including unlicensed pro­grams), can also be analyzed and “reported” fully auto­mati­cal­ly.

It cannot be ruled out that computers from regime critics may be paralyzed from a distance. For example, the re­mote installation of a single process working permanently from the start of the computer, which consumes the entire computing power, a process which can possibly still be recognized via ps -e but can no longer be terminated, is sufficient (see also pstree). The installation of functional program errors is another possibility to partially or com­plete­ly paralyze the computers of dissenters.

Sabotage measures could also be automated if statistical analyses in the background show that a high level of po­liti­cal educational films is consumed and that there is a “dan­ger” of distributing or publishing critically questioning ar­ti­cles

1.7.2 Software Activation and Computer Identification via Electronic Fingerprints

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) lists computer fea­tures in an article on privacy that can be used to unique­ly iden­ti­fy and recognize a computer. Such iden­ti­fi­ca­tion data will most likely be hashed and archived in a data­base. With some proprietary products, software ac­ti­va­tion (prod­uct activation) is linked to the determined hard­ware con­figu­ra­tion. The attempt to install the pur­chased software on a second computer at the same time often fails.

1.8 Signing and Encryption of Files
1.8.1 Real-existing Protection with Publicly approved Encryption Procedures

It cannot be excluded that officially re­com­mend­ed cryptographic algorithms raised to stand­ards have inherent mathematical weak­nesses to facilitate decryption by in­tel­li­gence ser­vices. Probably really ad­vanced computer technology is kept out of the public eye or generally blocked in order to guarantee secret ser­vices a computational advantage. Under this aspect and in view of the highly probable influence on the de­sign of company products (software and hardware back door problems), the effectiveness of the existing en­cryp­tion practice is questionable; even if open, free IT infra­struc­ture is used throughout.

Consistently applied signing and encryption, however, fend off at least some of the potential business attackers and prevent direct data access in the event of theft or loss of data media.

The reduction of complexity at program and operating sys­tem level is another central factor. In addition, old and very old computers on which still outdated proprietary operating systems and programs are installed can be modernized and security optimized with continuously updated spe­cial­ized lightweight free operating system distributions.

2 Free checksum programs

CyoHash and Jacksum stand out from the large number of free graphical checksum programs. Jacksum, re­leased under an OSI-certified Free Software license, the GPL, listed in the FSF directory and based on Java, runs on many operating system platforms (software fea­tures). It is therefore also suitable for heterogeneous IT infra­struc­tures of company networks. Numerous inter­na­tion­al­ly common checksum procedures are taken into ac­count, the file manager integration ensures com­fort­able operation.

Jacksum file manager versions are available for GNOME, KDE, ROX and Thunar (Unix/BSD, GNU/​Li­nux) as well as for the Win­dows Explorer of MS-​Windows and the Finder of Apple Macintosh. The pro­gram author Johann Löfflmann maintains a webpage

with detailed information, Suggestions for pro­gram extensions can be submitted, the exchange among users is also encouraged.

CyoHash, an extension for MS-Windows File Manager Ex­plor­er, offers only a fraction of the algorithms, but also sup­ports the modern SHA2 algorithms and works without Java.

Among the many cross-platform text mode programs for BSD/Unix, GNU/Linux and MS-Windows, sha1sum and shasum, respectively, is distinguished by its support of the mo­dern SHA-2 and SHA-3 algorithms.

A comparative overview of numerous free and proprietary checksum programs can be found in the WP article “Com­pari­son of file verification software”.

2.1 Cyohash

Cyohash is a free file manager extension for the MS Win­dows Explorer. Download Cyohash either from the of­fi­cial project page, or from a reputable program di­rec­tory.

2.1.1 Checksum Formation

Point with the mouse arrow to the corresponding file and click on the right mouse button. In the menu that ap­pears, press “Cyohash” and select a check­sum al­go­rithm, e.g. SHA-256.

A window appears showing the file name, directory path, checksum method, and cryptographic checksum, or a table listing this data. A separate entry appears for each checksum formed.

[Illustration to follow]

You now have the option of comparing the determined check­sum with a target value. To do this, double-click on the respective table entry to open the corresponding win­dow.

An application example: Program files offered on the Inter­net are almost always published together with their

checksums. After downloading such an executing file, pref­er­ably from the official program project page, copy the corresponding cryptographic checksum published there, paste it into the input line (“Validate:”) at the bottom of the program window and press “OK”. If the values match, the input line turns green, otherwise red.

2.1.2 Create Checksums for Multiple Files

Point either to a table entry or to an empty table line and press the right mouse button to display further functions.

You can create checksums for several files at the same time. Select the function “Hash File(s)...”. A window opens in which you can select the desired checksum method. Then press “Browse...” and a Windows directory window opens. Select the files in the corresponding directory, hold down the CTRL key and press the mouse button to highlight the individual files. Finally click on “Open”. The Windows directory window then disappears, the CyoHash window appears in the foreground, in which you confirm your file selection with “OK”. All checksums are then displayed in the table window.

2.2 Jacksum

Jacksum can be called via the file manager or as a command line program. The file manager version does not require an installed command line version, it works independently.

In the following the application is described under GNOME, KDE and MS-Windows Explorer. The in­stal­la­tion and usage under ROX, Thunar and others as well as Apple's Finder is described in the official installation sec­tion and in the official question and answer section of the Jacksum website.

2.2.1 Installation of Java and Jacksum Installation of Java

In Unix and unix-like operating system distributions Java is mostly already included, in the free variant OpenJDK. As an MS Windows user, you call up a search engine page, for example Google, and type in “Java” or “JRE”, which is the abbreviation for “Java Runtime En­vi­ron­ment”. This step is not necessary if a Java Runtime En­vi­ron­ment already exists.

Example for a Java installation under MS-Windows, in the Anglosphere:

  1. Go to and enter “Java”
  2. In the first place appear the entries of the official Java manufacturer Oracle (Java.​com), for different operating system plat­forms. Go to one of these websites and fol­low the instructions there or alternatively:
  3. Go back to the (Google) search menu and type “Java Runtime Environment” to go to the official download page

If the Java manufacturer offers a preselection for the (co-)installation of a Yahoo toolbar, deactivate the check­box by clicking on it, so that the checkbox remains empty (Google search for this topic: Java installation Yahoo toolbar). Such toolbars can be removed at any time. Google search for related articles: uninstall tool­bars. Installation and Application of Jacksum under MS-Windows

Installation and use of Jacksum are described in detail in the installation section of the official program page as well as in the readme.txt files attached to the Jacksum down­load.

Select on the official web presence,, the column “Download”. In the section “File browser in­te­gra­tion (optional)”, download the “[...]-windows-explorer-​in­te­gra­tion-[...]” file (file name varies with the software version number), a ZIP file. Open it directly by double-clicking or right-clicking. Open the uncompressed folder, read the file readme.txt or start the installation by double-clicking on the executable file “Jacksum Windows Explorer In​te​gra​tion.exe”. A window appears prompting you to extract all files.

[Illustration to follow]

Now go to the fully extracted folder, there you will see the .exe installation file, symbolized by a green circle.

[Illustration to follow]

Double-click to start the program installation. From then on you can right-click → “Send to” → [Procedure, e.g.: “Jacksum - 3) All algorithms”] to form cryptographic check­sums. The check­sum(s) appear in a separate text win­dow.

[Illustration to follow]
2.2.2 Application under KDE Konqueror and KDE Dolphin

Open the file manager. To select the file, click the right mouse button → “Actions” → “Jacksum” → [select desired func­tion].

2.2.3 GNOME Nautilus

Open the file manager. To select the file, right-click → “Scripts” → “Jacksum” → [select desired function].

The application possibilities of Jacksum are numerous. The command line version unfolds the full potential of this excellent software, including interaction with other pro­grams. The provision of an open application programming interface (API) promotes broad acceptance.

2.3 Console-based Checksum Generation

In the text mode (console application) cryptographic checksums can be formed under any operating system, practically all manufacturers of proprietary and of free operating systems offer appropriate programs by de­fault.

Since the introduction of Microsoft's Windows Power​Shell, MS Windows users have been able to use basic file operation commands from the BSD/Unix world by default (comparison) in addition to the classic MS DOS commands (extended in cmd.exe). The GNU core Util­ities also make it possible to use other Unix standard programs under MS Windows (List of Unix commands).

2.3.1 On-board SHA Algorithms under MS-Windows, Unix/BSD and GNU/Linux Systems

SHA algorithms are pre-installed as standard on nu­mer­ous Unix and unix-like and MS-Windows systems, in par­ticu­lar the widely used, platform-independent sha​sum, also available for MS Windows, which supports SHA-2 as well as SHA-3 algorithms.

Creating cryptographic checksums under MS-Windows, with the on-board PowerShell: The PowerShell supports many basic commands of the Unix shell; for an over­view, skim the corresponding comparison section in the WP-article on the PowerShell.

In addition, current SHA algorithms are also supported by using the “Get-FileHash” command. For official in­for­ma­tion, see the Microsoft article of the same name; the de­fault is SHA-256.

1. Start program: Go to the search field of the Windows 10 taskbar and enter: PowerShell. The command line en­vi­ron­ment opens. To adjust the font size, right-click on the upper window frame and select the “Properties” menu item. In the “Font” tab, under “Size”, you now spec­i­fy the font size, then press “OK”.

2. Changing to the corresponding directory: Now change to the file directory containing the file for which the checksum is to be formed. In the example prompt used (see screenshot), “PS C:\Users\nut​zer-01>”, “Users” stands for the Windows “Users” folder, “nutzer-01” in this example is the name of the user ac­count of the logged-in user.

Enter ls to display a folder overview: “PS C:\Users\user-01>ls”. The following is a directory listing that includes the central folders “Desktop”, “Documents”, and “Down­loads” you can move the contents up and down using the mouse wheel or sliders. In our example, we will now switch to the desktop folder, whose files are also dis­played on the desktop screen by default; we will use the cd (change directory) command to do this:

“PS C:\Users\user-01> cd Desktop”, now we are in the Desktop folder: “PS C:\Users\user-01\Desktop>”; by typing ls again, you can view its contents.

3. Forming the checksum of a file. In our example, the image file foto-01.jpeg is located on the desktop, from which we want to create a checksum. Like the Unix shell, the PowerShell also has an auto-complete function (“com­mand-line completion”).

It is sufficient to type “get-f” in lower case at the command line (“PS C:\Users\user-01\Desktop> get-f”) and then press the Tab key (for auto-completion), whereupon the com­mand appears in full length and in correct upper and lower case: “PS C:\Users\user-01\Desktop> Get-​File​Hash”. We add the file name (you can also use auto-com­plete for this): “PS C:\Users\user-01\Desktop> Get-File​Hash foto-01.jpeg” and get the SHA-256 checksum (see screen­shot).

Click to enlarge

Abb.: Checksum generation with the PowerShell
(Click to enlarge)

Under unix-like systems:: Open a command-line environment (shell), type “sha”, and then press the tab key for the command-line completion to see all existing SHA procedures:

> sha
> sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum
   sha512sum shasum
> sha

Go to the appropriate directory, select a procedure, add the name of the desired file, and press Enter. In the fol­low­ing example, the SHA256 checksum of the test.html file is formed:

> sha256sum test.html
> e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b
   934ca495991b7852b855 test.html

The SHA256 checksum value and the name of the as­so­ci­at­ed file are displayed. Implementation and command names may vary. Virtually all Unix and unix-like systems and distributions have corresponding pre-installations. There are dozens of free programs for forming cryp­to­graph­ic checksums, both graphical and text-based, e.g. at (WP-article).

2.3.2 Text Mode Programs for Professional Computer Use

The use of the command line environment enables high­ly effective work on the computer. Some ap­pli­ca­tions are written exclusively for today's usually emulated text mode, others offer a text-based program interface in ad­di­tion to the graphical one.

Text-based programs enable the most effective use of com­put­ers. Andreas Poisel's offers an excellent overview (German).

In addition to the graphical “desktop environments” and application prog­rams, Linux distributions also contain “text mode software” with a “text-based user interface”

as standard. They are extremely powerful and belong to the preferred tools of many users, administrators, IT pro­fes­sion­als and scientists.

Websites and recommended articles about text mode pro­grams: „ :: freie Text­mode-Soft­ware”Web­sites about text mode “Con­sole app­li­ca­tion”„Text-based (compu­ting)”“Shell (com­pu­ting)”“Command-line inter­face” An excellent introduction: Floss Ma­nu­al “In­tro­duc­tion to the Com­mand Line” “GNU Screen”“Com­put­er terminal”.


[1] “Announcing Approval of Federal Information Pro­cess­ing Standard (FIPS) 202, SHA-3 Standard: Per­mu­ta­tion-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Func­tions, and Revision of the Applicability Clause of FIPS 180-4, Se­cure Hash Standard”, “A Notice by the Na­ti­o­nal In­sti­tute of Standards and Technology on 08/​05/​2015”. [back]

[2] February 02, 2014, extract of the short information about the procedures supported by RHash, “Hash Func­tions”, extract: “GOST is a hash function defined in Russian national standard GOST R 34.11-94. It has two widely used versions with testparameters and CryptoPro ones. It’s relatively slow, but it is used for digital sig­na­ture in Rus­sian State banks and enterprises. Hash is a hexa­deci­mal string of length 64.” [back]

[3] The term “freeware” is not clearly defined. It may or may not refer to “Free Software” (program text/source code is available, may be modified and distributed). Tendently prevailing, it refers to software distributed free of charge, but whose program text remains unpublished. There are several categories of free and nonfree soft­ware. [back]

[4] “Packing programs” are used to create archive files or file archives, called “archives” for short. In particular, they offer the possibility of combining several individual files as well as nested (i.e. subfolder containing) file folders into a single file. Thus, for example, entire websites and ex­ten­sive personal compilations of documents can be con­veni­ent­ly attached to an e-letter as individual files, or stored on a data carrier. WP-​article “Data compression”, packing pro­gram recommendation “7-Zip”, free data compression soft­ware: “Category:Free data compression soft­ware”. [back]

[5] Regarding the authenticity of spoken language, every­one is advised to read the sections “Technical details” and “Concerns” in the WP article “Adobe Voco”. [back]

[6] Certificates are IDs for the Internet (networks in gen­er­ al), mostly e-mail or website certificates. They can al­so be used to encrypt data transmission (“https://[...]”), which makes it relatively impossible for people and or­gani­za­tions subject to the law to read them. (WP-article: “Pub­lic key cer­tifi­cate”). [back]

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